Businesses are under tremendous pressure to create new value for their customers. Coupled with the enormous demand for software-based products and services, the trend of competitive differentiation through technology isn’t a huge surprise. However, organizations are finding that traditional approaches to software development and delivery are not sufficient to meet these needs. DevOps, a contraction of development and operations, represents a philosophy that drives collaboration between teams to achieve efficient, competitive, sustained innovation.

In this whitepaper, we will focus on what DevOps is, why it is such an important advancement in software development and delivery, outline the challenges involved in implementing DevOps while maintaining legacy environments, and how best to extend DevOps to core applications to maximize efficiency and competitive edge.

Ideal audiences for this document include:
  • Technical Managers seeking to end dependency on a legacy technology
  • CIOs looking to enable microservices, cloud computing, and digital transformation
  • CFOs looking to dramatically reduce costs associated with legacy systems
  • Line of Business Managers looking to integrate platforms for better service levels and performance
  • Business Analysts seeking to leverage data analytics and/or business intelligence to gain competitive advantage